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ABC Special Report
Investigation: New Home Heartbreak
Trump - NAHB Homebuilders Shoddy Construction and Forced Arbitration
Texas Residential Construction Commission (TRCC) Abolished
Sounds like a New Zealand TRCC
Thursday, 04 January 2007

Who'll stop the rot?
Parliament passed legislation establishing the Watertight Homes Resolution Service (WHRS) in 2002...Mr McQuade and the 4060 other New Zealanders who made claims to the WHRS have to pay their own legal fees and expert witness costs. Usually that costs them tens of thousands of dollars. Even if they win - either through mediation or adjudication - there are no guarantees other parties will honour obligations...
Though the changes won unanimous support from parliamentarians, National's building and construction spokesman Nick Smith predicted they would make little difference. "They are minor improvements in the right direction," he said. "But the Government is fooling itself if it believes they will solve the problem." He said Dr Smith's figures showed only 7 per cent of claims made to the WHRS had been settled. Each claim had cost claimants $96,000. But the average payout was just $68,000.

Drum Major Institute for Public Policy - Tort Deform
Wednesday, 03 January 2007

Texas Legislative Session should be good news for builder accountability and new homebuyers
This years Texas Legislative session just may become ‘ground zero’ of heated debate that highlights the magnitude of increased shoddy homebuilding since the creation of the scandalous Texas Residential Construction Commission (TRCC)... The Texas legislature begins in a couple of weeks and the issues of bad building, massive builder mortgage fraud, epidemic foreclosures, abusive binding arbitration clauses and the failed state ‘builder-protection-agency,’ TRCC will be priority issues this session.

TRCC offers information on builder records - Is it a reliable source for homebuyers?
Tuesday, 26 December 2006

 Check out your builder - Web site allows users to check background of companies, remodelers
The Texas Residential Construction Commission site at www.texasrcc.com includes information on builder and remodeler registration, inspection reports, and records of any administrative action taken against the company.  Send us your comments This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Big Builder Money at work in Austin to protect Builder's "Paper Tiger"
Monday, 04 December 2006

Clay Robison: Cash may stand in way of changing 'builder protection agency'
Does money talk in Texas politics? No, it screams. And Perry is the gift that keeps on giving for many candidates and officeholders, mostly Republicans but some Democrats as well. Check the campaign finance reports of state leaders or conservative committees, and you will frequently see Perry's name, often followed by figures with five or six digits.

Bills Filed to Amend the Problematic TRCC
Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Press Release - Bills Would Protect Homeowners from Shoddy Construction
AUSTIN – Representatives Jessica Farrar and David Liebowitz have filed the first two bills intended to amend the Texas Residential Construction Commission (TRCC) in the upcoming 2007 Legislative Session.  Since its creation in 2003, the TRCC has repeatedly come under fire for its inability to successfully assist homeowners in resolving home construction defects, and for the lack of enforcement powers to make builders comply with the conclusions of the commission.

In Depth Look at RCLA & TRCC
Tuesday, 07 November 2006

The Residential Construction Liability Act and the New Residential Construction Commission
An in-depth look at the Texas Residential Construction Commission Act and amendments to the Residential Construction Liability Act. Presented by:  Cheryl C. Turner...The laudatory words of the RCLA’s proponents belie their intent to create blatant special interest legislation that would protect good and bad builders alike.

New Homeowners claim shoddy work and poor customer service
Sunday, 15 October 2006

Anger over new homes
THEY say home is where the heart is - but a fed up group of residents today claimed buying new property on an Ipswich estate has left them wishing they had never bothered.  All 16 homeowners in Cranberry Square, Ravenswood, have levelled an angry blast at Bellway, criticising the developer for failing to deliver the dream home they say they were promised. They have also accused the property giant of poor customer service and shoddy workmanship, which has seen one problem fixed but another created in the process.

Dallas Morning News Feature: TRCC Lacks Authority
Thursday, 12 October 2006

State-sought home fixes rarely made
Good news: In about nine of 10 investigations, Texas officials have told builders to make repairs. Bad news: Two years into the program, most builders haven't made the fixes... The informal survey seems to echo the sentiment of a statewide review of 102 homeowners. Of those, 88 said the builder didn't make the repairs suggested by the commission, according to a state comptroller's office report released this year. Some of those included cases still being reviewed, commission officials said...Guy Combs, a homeowner in Alpine in West Texas, said arbitration backfired for him. He lined up about 20 expert witnesses and provided several inspection reports to support his claims that builder negligence led to damaged stucco, a leaking roof and mold. The arbitrator ruled against him, in part because, she said, he contributed to the damages. She ordered him to pay the builder $68,000 for legal fees, which he negotiated to $50,000.

DMN Feature-State to post builder's transgressions online
Thursday, 12 October 2006

Agency set to put complaints online
Texas officials plan to air problems with bad builders in public to shame them into mending their ways – and their crooked floorboards...A San Antonio builder filed a lawsuit earlier this month against a homeowner for posting complaints on the Web site of HomeOwners for Better Building, a consumer group. The lawsuit alleges that owner Jay Hirata owes Sitterle Corp. $500,000 in damages for "misrepresentations of fact" that hurt the company's reputation. "Does this action ... send a message of fear to every new homebuyer that they, too, could be subjected to the wrath of a builder if they file a complaint?" said Janet Ahmad, president of HomeOwners for Better Building.

Send letters: Texas State Affairs Committee hearing on TRCC
Sunday, 10 September 2006

Please help call for a State Affairs Interim Hearing on the Texas Residential Construction Commission
If you are appalled at what is happening in Tecas please take the time to participate.  If the building industry's TRCC is successful in Texas it will spread to every state in the nation.  Read more... 

Houston waits 3 years to enforce builder's registration law
Tuesday, 05 September 2006

Home-building measure's effect unclear
Consumer groups are glad to see the new requirement, but they say registering with the Texas Residential Construction Commission won't do much for consumers...But Alex Winslow of Texas Watch noted it doesn't take much to be registered in the state. There aren't any tests or continuing education requirements. "It doesn't mean consumers are being protected," Winslow said. "In fact, we think it gives consumers a false sense of security, because all you really have to do is pay a fee and you're registered. There aren't any standards to be met."

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Results 144 - 154 of 241

 Texas, First Home Lemon Law Debated in the Nation
Homebuyers Need a Home Lemon Law

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Reckless Endangerment

Outsized Ambition, Greed and
Corruption Led to
Economic Armageddon

Barnes & Noble

Rise and Fall of Predatory Lending and Housing

NY Times: Building Flawed American Dreams 
Read CATO Institute: 
HUD Scandals

Listen to NPR:
Reckless Endangerman
Gretchen Morgenson : How 'Reckless' Greed Contributed
to Financial Crisis - Fannie Mae

NPR Special Report
Part I Listen Now
Perry Home - No Warranty 
Part II Listen Now
Texas Favors Builders

Washington Post
The housing bubble, in four chapters
BusinessWeek Special Reports
Bonfire of the Builders
Homebuilders helped fuel the housing crisis
Housing: That Sinking Feeling

Texas Regulates Homebuyers
Texas Comptroller Condemns TRCC Builder Protection Agency
TRCC is the punishment phase of homeownership in Texas

Consumer Affairs Builder Complaints

 TRCC Implosion
 TRCC Shut Down
 Sunset Report

As Goes Texas So Goes the Nation
Knowledge and Financial Responsibility are still Optional for Texas Home Builders

TRCC from Bad to Worse
Case of the Crooked House

The Pat and Bob Egert Building & TRCC Experience 

Build it right the first time
An interview with Janet Ahmad

Voting Texas Style
What Lawmaker is Voting for you?

Bad Binding Arbitration Experience?
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or call 1-210-402-6800

 Texas Homebuilder
Bob Perry Political Contributions

  The Agency Bob Perry Built
 TRCC Connection News
Tort Reform

NPR Interview - Perry's
Political influence movement.
Click to listen 

Texas Homebuyers
Fight for Rights

TRCC Abolish or Fix
or Pass Home Lemon Law
Homebuyers Bill of Rights

Pulte Homeowner Survey
Warranty & Mortgage Experience
 Click to participate

Special Money Report
Big Money and Shoddy Construction:Texas Home Buyers Left Out in the Cold
Read More
Read Report: Big Money…
Home Builder Money Source of Influence

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