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ABC Special Report
Investigation: New Home Heartbreak
Trump - NAHB Homebuilders Shoddy Construction and Forced Arbitration

Property Rights Denied!
Protecting HOA Members' Rights is NOT The #1 Priority
of Managed Communities
The High Price of Managed Living, Books and Records Hidden
gives appearances of impropriety
Editorial Feature: Part One - Are Homeowners' Rights a Myth? 

Part Two: HOA Bureaucrats Overstep Their Authority

Prices flat here as housing in U.S. booms
Sunday, 08 May 2005
Foreclosures High-The housing bubble is bound to pop
Sunday, 08 May 2005
Economist frets over bubble
If prices go poof across the nation, area will feel pain

So when's it going to happen?  University of Houston economics professor Barton Smith believes the bubble is bound to pop,... But ominous signs are looming, Smith said. Foreclosures, for example, are as high today as they were in 1991. And builders in Houston are putting up single-family homes faster than they can be sold. In the past year, 42,000 single-family home permits were issued, but the area gained only 15,000 households. Related article: Prices flat here as housing in U.S. booms
Texas Forclosure still a crisis
Saturday, 07 May 2005

Texas home foreclosures decreased in April
(05/06/2005 Â©  Austin Business Journal )
 In Texas, 3,481 new residential Foreclosures were listed for sale as of the end of April -- bringing the state's total number of foreclosed properties to 9,266 for the year through April. At the end of March, 3,645 new homes put  up for sale because of foreclosures. The number of U.S. foreclosed homes reached 76,786 during the first four months of this year.

Another Arrest in New Jersey
Wednesday, 04 May 2005

FEDS ARREST MARLBORO DEVELOPER AT EX-WIFE'S HOLMDEL HOME: Faces four counts of giving Scannapieco, Larrison a total of $143,500 in bribes
Federal agents rousted Spalliero, 62, from bed at 6:30 a.m. at the palatial home of his ex-wife in Holmdel. He was handcuffed and taken to FBI offices in Tinton Falls for processing and then driven by federal agents to U.S. District Court in Newark.

Beware: Your Tax Dollars at Work
Wednesday, 04 May 2005

FREE? See announcement and schedule – 22 cities Texas Residential Construction Commission Announcement
Free Warranty and Building and Performance Standards Seminars
The commission will be holding seminars designed to answer questions from homeowners and other interested parties about the recently adopted warranties and building and performance standards that go into effect on June 1, 2005… Learn how “Crack House” takes on a how new meaning.  Warranty and Performance Standards allow builders to legally build new homes with unlimited numbers of cracks.   See how: Standards tarnishing the image of a fine University

The Partington Story - TRCC More Harm Than Good
Tuesday, 03 May 2005
Complaints against builder illustrate agency's problems
 Video: Byron Harris reports 
In one particular instance, people are angry at one homebuilder, Robert Tidwell... It was supposed to be their dream house. More than four years ago, the Partingtons hired Tidwell to build it. They signed over their lot to him; he took months to build a little, then quit. They sued him and won $65,000, but Tidwell never paid them, and they lost everything - the lot and their partially-finished house, where someone else now lives... "This was everything we had, this was everything," Lisa Partington said. "This was our life savings." Three bills to change the TRCC went before the Legislature this session; they all died. One reason might be that the homebuilding industry spent nearly $9 million lobbying in Austin over the last four years. Related Article: The First Cheetum Mark of Distinction, Hall of Shame Award Goes To.... Robert Tidwell.  Related article: Cheetum Builder Hall of Shame Award
Frisco - People vs. Goliath. Vote “Yes” on Proposition 1 and 2!
Friday, 29 April 2005
Must Read: The Texas Observer
The Exurb Rebellion
Immediately after moving in, the Beckas say they began to have serious problems with their $318,000 home. Pipes burst behind walls and in the foundation, causing persistent flooding; an uncapped gas line leaked gas into the house; toilet water poured from the ceiling into the kitchen. The water damage spawned fast-growing toxic black mold. For more than five years, the Beckas put up with these problems and what they say were Huntington’s band-aid fixes...In January 2004, the Beckas approached the Council for help with a few commonsense ordinances...city officials did nothing...The Beckas warned their elected officials that if they did not cooperate, they would take the issue to the voters by collecting enough signatures to put amendments to the City Charter on the ballot...Take Back Your Rights presented the City Secretary with the fruits of six months of labor on the streets of Frisco—9,600 signatures, enough to force the City to put the amendments to a vote.
FBI Investigation of Public Corruption
Friday, 29 April 2005
FBI: Was to get $10,000 for help in Marlboro but received $8,500
Former Freeholder Director Harry W. Larrison Jr. — the patriarch of Monmouth County government for nearly four decades — was charged Wednesday with accepting at least $8,500 in bribes from two developers, the most stunning accusation yet in an ongoing FBI investigation of public corruption.  Related Article: Ashbury Park Press - Prosecutors turn spotlight on Howell development project
MyScam - Cheetum Builder Hall of Shame Award
Wednesday, 27 April 2005

MYSCAM.com   Cheetum Custom Homes Proudly Presents

The First Cheetum Mark of Distinction, Hall of Shame Award Goes To....
 Cheetum Builder Hall of Shame Award

The IEQ Review
Saturday, 23 April 2005

Update on Latest Mold News
 New Mold Guidelines, Consumers Conserns Growing, Mold Suits Getting Attention, Mold in Apartment

State Affair Hearing - Written Testimony
Friday, 22 April 2005

Statements and Letters... 
from those that could not attend the House State Affairs Public Hearing Monday April 18, 2005.

Texas State Affairs Hearing - TRCC Flawed
Friday, 22 April 2005

State Affairs House Committee to regulate homebuilders 
Broadcasts of Live Coverage State Affairs  hearing on HB3404 –  4/18/05 Advance to Based on these figures clearly, TRCC is a $2.5 Million state agency that selectively serves a very small portion of the home buying public stuck with defective homes.

Byron Harris WFAA News8 Homebuilder Reform
Friday, 22 April 2005

Consumers want homebuilder reforms
"The TRCC was not created to help the consumers," consumer advocate John Cobarruvias said. "It was created for the builders; it was created by the builders." ...State Rep. Jessica Farrar, D-Houston, has filed a bill that would erase the fee the commission charges consumers to enter complaint resolution, increase builders' registration fees to $500 and require all builders to participate in the Texas Star Builder process to improve quality... There are now more than 18,000 builders registered to construct homes in Texas. The TRCC has denied just eight applications. Video:Byron Harris reports

Editorial: Chairman of the NJ State Commission of Investigation
Friday, 22 April 2005
Home-building report seeks to fix broken system
W. Cary Edwards is chairman of the State Commission of Investigation
The State Commission of Investigation, of which I am chairman, recently completed an inquiry into new-home construction and inspections in New Jersey, and the picture that emerged is not a pretty one. The final report of this unprecedented investigation sets forth a catalog of shoddy and deficient construction practices, lax regulatory oversight and poor remediation options that routinely plunge unsuspecting new-home purchasers into a quagmire of waste, fraud and abuse. And it's not just in one community, but all over the state — in single homes and housing developments, high-priced and affordable, in suburban and urban areas across New Jersey, particularly with regard to large-scale production builders.
Homebuyers are Regulated and Builders are Not Regulated
Wednesday, 20 April 2005

Buyers are Regulated
It all started in Texas
Nowhere But Texas Are Homebuyers So Regulated!

Express News: TRCC faces reform
Saturday, 16 April 2005

Builders commision could face reforms
Authored by state Rep. Jessica Farrar, D-Houston, House Bill 3404 contains provisions that, if passed, would give homeowners some relief in the state-administered dispute resolution process that critics charge is dominated by the construction industry... "One big concern of mine is that consumer rights are diminished in the current statute," Farrar said. "It is ridiculous that this statute actually regulates consumers (on behalf of) the home building industry."

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 Texas, First Home Lemon Law Debated in the Nation
Homebuyers Need a Home Lemon Law

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 Beware of HOA Payment Plan! 

HOA Foreclosures Big Business 
ON THE COMMONS with Shu Bartholomew
Dr. Evan McKenzie HOA Governments

Reckless Endangerment

Outsized Ambition, Greed and
Corruption Led to
Economic Armageddon

Barnes & Noble

Rise and Fall of Predatory Lending and Housing

NY Times: Building Flawed American Dreams 
Read CATO Institute: 
HUD Scandals

Listen to NPR:
Reckless Endangerman
Gretchen Morgenson : How 'Reckless' Greed Contributed
to Financial Crisis - Fannie Mae

Pulte-Centex $900 Million Grant
Bad Guys at Countrywide Profit on Mortgage Toxins

NPR Special Report
Part I Listen Now
Perry Home - No Warranty 
Part II Listen Now
Texas Favors Builders

Washington Post
The housing bubble, in four chapters
BusinessWeek Special Reports
Bonfire of the Builders
Homebuilders helped fuel the housing crisis
Housing: That Sinking Feeling

Arbitration Fairness Now!
Sen Feingold, Rep Johnson
Introduce Consumer Justice
Senate Passes Franken
Binding Arbitration Amendment
Public Citizen Report 
Home Court Advantage

 (See photos) & Latest News

Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
 Arbitration Hearing,
Video of Homeowners
Testimony Advance to 1:55

Arbitration Bill Passes Senate
Four years to fight to get in court is not a day in Court, Jamie Leigh Jones 



Texas Regulates Homebuyers
Texas Comptroller Condemns TRCC Builder Protection Agency
TRCC is the punishment phase of homeownership in Texas

HOBB Update Messages

Consumer Affairs Builder Complaints

 TRCC Implosion
 TRCC Shut Down
 Sunset Report

As Goes Texas So Goes the Nation
Knowledge and Financial Responsibility are still Optional for Texas Home Builders

TRCC from Bad to Worse
Case of the Crooked House

Perry's Gifts Keep on Talking
Sun Never Sets On Politicians Taking Homebuilder Money

The Pat and Bob Egert Building & TRCC Experience 

Homebuilder's Right-To-Repair Illusion

Builders Looking for Federal Handouts

How Texas Home Building Industry shaped the TRCC to regulate buyers 

LiveTalk Internet

Build it right the first time
An interview with Janet Ahmad

HUD's Broken System
From HUD's Deregulation to Disgrace
Did HUD Secretary Cisneros
 Mastermind Predatory Lending?

Take Action
Ban Binding Mandatory Arbitration

Send a message urging your Congressman to support all legislation banning this unfair practice

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 Give Me Back My Rights Campaign
Model State Arbitration Legislation
Fair Homebuyer Contract Model

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Homebuyers' Bill of Rights
Tips for a Better Built Home and to Protect Your Investment

Drum Major Institute
for Public Policy

Tort Deform
Report Your Arbitration Experience

Homebuilding Texas Style
And the walls came
tumblin' down

 Texas Homebuilder
Bob Perry Political Contributions

  The Agency Bob Perry Built
 TRCC Connection News
Tort Reform

NPR Interview - Perry's
Political influence movement.
Click to listen 

Texas Homebuyers
Fight for Rights

TRCC Abolish or Fix
or Pass Home Lemon Law
Homebuyers Bill of Rights

82% would not vote back in office any legislator, regardless of party, that is soft on bad homebuilders?


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Pulte Homeowner Survey
Warranty & Mortgage Experience
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Tort Reform Feature
Texas Monthly
 Hurt? Injured? Need a Lawyer? Too Bad!

Special Money Report
Big Money and Shoddy Construction:Texas Home Buyers Left Out in the Cold
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Read Report: Big Money…
Home Builder Money Source of Influence

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